How to Prevent Aggression During Meal Time

Are you struggling to get through mealtime without your dog trying to snap at you? If this is the case, your pooch probably has a degree of food aggression. Don’t worry though, you aren’t alone, quite a large number of dogs have this problem! Through this article we help you understand and solve this issue so mealtime can become a more peaceful activity within your household – and no, no training supplies needed we promise. 

How to Recognise Food Aggression

Food aggression is a form of resource guarding in which a dog becomes very defensive when eating, either towards humans or other animals. We’ve narrowed down this behaviour to three degrees of aggression; mild, moderate and severe. 

Mild: stiffened body, head down, showing of teeth, growling and their body will hover over the meal as a way to protect it. 

Moderate: The whites of their eyes being visible, ears held back, tail lowered, snapping or lunging when approached. 

Severe: Biting. 

Aggression during mealtime can be quite common among dogs, however, if your pup is showing a number of the above-mentioned signs, it’s probably time to try fix this issue. 


Be Consistent

Dogs have a very good internal clock, therefore, with consistency, they quickly learn how to tell when it’s time to get up, time to go for a walk, or time for their humans to come home. Mealtime should be no different. 

A large number of dog’s experience food aggression because they have fear or anxiety over when the next meal is coming. This fear is suggested to come from their pack mentality, and how the alpha would eat first and if there is any left, everyone else eats (i.e. your pup). Be sure to be regular in feeding and try have a specific feeding time to take away any anxiety and help calm your dog down during mealtime. 


The best treatment for food-related aggression is avoidance – this is where you avoid placing the dog in situations which are likely to cause aggression. Often by the time you notice your dog has developed food aggression, it’s a bit too late. However, this prevention is one you can use at any stage in your dog’s life.  For some dogs, avoidance can be a lifelong program; for others it could help fix their aggression. 

Avoidance is relatively simple to implement. The dog is fed its meals behind a secure, closed door. Once the dog has finished eating, it is let out of the room, and the owner can retrieve the bowl and any remaining food when the dog is not in the vicinity. By doing this, you eliminate any worry or fear your dog may experience during meal time due to their surroundings. 

Keep Mealtime Relaxed  

Dogs love to eat so mealtimes can be very exciting but if your pooch becomes overly excited they will be more likely to eat too fast or start showing signs of aggression when you approach them. Before you offer your dog their food, ask them to sit and wait until they are calm before putting the bowl down on the ground.

Furthermore, never feed your dog before or while the humans are eating. Humans eat first and then, when they’re finished, your dogs eat. This will reinforce your status as the Pack Leader, reminding them you’re in charge. 

Overall to prevent aggression in dogs, owners should never directly intervene via hitting, yelling or physical restraint. While these actions may interrupt the behaviour in the moment, it is unlikely to solve the problem in the long-term. Direct confrontation may lead to intensified aggression displayed both at the moment of confrontation and in the future; or increase anxiety in certain dogs – making their food aggression worse. The key to beating food aggression is obedience. Your pooch needs to be able to listen and follow your orders, which ultimately should help overcome the aggression. 

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