Dr Mark's Top 5 Tips For Bringing Pets To Work

1. Training
Ensure your pet is suitably trained and well socialised before bringing into work. Set aside time during the day for toilet breaks, however it’s recommended to also provide training pads to avoid accidents. Use positive reinforcement when your pet shows good behaviour, including whenever they do the toilet in the correct place. This will help reduce the likelihood of your pet playing up or toileting in the wrong area. 

2. Comfort
Allow your pet some free time when you arrive in the morning. This will give them time to get to know their surroundings and say hello to other co-workers. Bring along your pet’s favourite blanket, bed and toys to help them feel comfortable in the new environment. Keep these items by your desk to encourage your pet to stay by your side and avoid causing disruption to other workers. 

3. Environment
Consider if your workplace is a safe environment before bringing your pet in. Is there any hazardous machinery, substances or open flames? If so maybe your workplace is not suitable for bringing in your pet. Also be aware of security and if your pet could escape easily, and if so is there a busy road outside. Above all, your pet’s safety is what matters most. 

4. Cleaning
If you or other staff members are regularly bringing your pets to work, ensure the office is equip with relevant cleaning products, such as paper towels and disinfectant. If your pet does toilet in the office, it’s always best to display no reaction. Clean the area thoroughly to remove any scent, as this will reduce the likelihood of the pet doing it in that spot again.

5. Vaccinated
Before bringing your pet to work, it’s important to ensure their vaccinations are up to date and that they are free from any diseases or illnesses that could spread to other animals. Also consider the risk of any hidden parasites that may be residing at your workplace and administer protection accordingly. This will allow for a happy and healthy environment for all.

Watch Dr Mark and the team here talk about how bringing pets to work improves staff productiveness, reduces stress levels and creates a happy and fun atmosphere for all.

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